Subject: Ringing SND Author: Dave DiGiammarino Uploaded By: TurboGrax Date: 8/27/1997 File: Ringing.sit (24861 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 464 Equipment: A Mac Needs: MacOS7.x/Sound Playing App/AOL 2.x-3.0 Keywords: RING, RINGING, PHONE, SND, DIGIAMMARINO, TURBOGRAX, **** LIBRARY: MMS/MMS Sample Libraries/Other Great Libraries/ Miscellaneous Samples. --------------------- This is a sound of a phone ringing. It's Great for tricking people into think the phones really ringin'! *For more of my Files type in TurboGrax while doing a search* SAMPLE QUALITY: **** --------------------------------------------------------------------- MACINTOSH MUSIC & SOUND FORUM GO KEYWORD: MMS THIS FILE CHECKED FOR VIRUSES WITH VIREX 5.6 FROM DATAWATCH. (DAI)